不敢相信能在雪花纷飞的渥村买到了超级脆嫩的莴笋, 好开心. 剥皮切块时, 忍不住生吃了几口, 棒棒哒. 用豆豉酱炒一下, 爽口又好味道.
2: 牛油果油 或其他炒菜油1大匙, 葱花2大匙, 蒜蓉2茶匙, 李锦记贵州风味豆豉辣椒酱1大匙.
3: 头抽酱油1大匙, 盐1/4茶匙, 鸡粉1/4茶匙;
4: 香油 1/2茶匙.
注:1大匙Tablespoon =15毫升,1茶匙Teaspoon =5毫升,1杯Cup=240毫升。
1、莴笋(图1)削去皮, 水里冲洗下, 切小丁(图2)。
2、锅置炉子上, 大中火, 加1大匙油, 加2料里的葱花,蒜蓉及豆豉辣椒酱30秒(图3),放入莴笋丁, 翻炒1-2分钟.
3、放入所有3料(图4), 炒匀.
4、淋下香油 1/2茶匙,兜匀就可以出锅了。
Information is offered ‘as-is’ and solely for informational purposes and isn’t advice.
5 5.dxc5 0-0 (the Pirc Variation) was one of the explanation why 4.Qc2 was not well-liked throughout the mid-twentieth century, as a result of the strains where Black ultimately recaptures with the knight was reckoned to offer Black easy equality, whereas the road which prevented this maneuver, 6.a3 Bxc5 7.Nf3 Nc6 8.Bg5 Nd4 9.Nxd4 Bxd4 10.e3 Qa5 11.exd4 Qxg5, left the Black queen energetic, while White still must safe the king.
60 overseas representations in Chennai, together with 16 consulates basic and 28 honorary consulates.
Each year, Ebert’s Greenhouse Village in Ixonia holds its annual Fall Festival on weekends from late September through the top of October.