

油炸花生米final RoPot/Recipe
pf button big RoPot/Recipe

133 Responses to RoPot/Recipe

  1. Jayjay says:

    毛毛妈,您好,谢谢您的菜谱,想买Ropot,但还是有些疑问,比如,Ropot宣称无烟,但它的温控是不高于220摄氏度,但大部分健康用油的烟点是低于220度,那它是如何保证无烟的,有点忽悠的味道吧?再者,炒与爆炒的温控是不是不一样?捷赛E151的温控是不高于180摄氏度,它宣称无烟,理论上是没问题的,Ropot不行吧。请毛毛妈指教一下吧。我发现您的菜多用AVOCADO 0IL,是不是考虑到Ropot炒菜温度太高了?

    • MaomaoMom says:


      • jayjay says:

        谢谢毛毛妈分享。以下是Ropot Support 的回复,我觉得有道理,贴出来分享。如果能自己设定温度就好了。

        另外Gemside E151 您有没有用过?去年促销时没买,觉得就是把食料杂混,靠水煮熟而已,可能还会糊。

        Thanks for showing interests on our Ropot.
        Ropot has many accurate temperature sensors and programs to control the temperature below 220c in order to eliminate oil smoke and produce delicious food for customers.

        You are right, if the temperature reaches 170-180c, oil starts to smoke a bit. But that does not mean you can only control the temp below 180c to cook food. Because that won’t produce good results for stir-fry, saute, pan-fry, deep-fry cookings etc. Especially for stir-fry and saute functions, we would like to get delicious food without oil smoke!

        We did tremendous amount of tests to design the Ropot, to find out the best temp is below 220c, thus you can get a little bit oil smoke (In Chinese we call it Oil Flavor:油香)instead of the large amount of oil smoke (油烟).

        When the temp reaches 250c, oil will produce a large amount of oil smoke. This is the common problem which many household families have. Because human being can not control the temp as accurate as machine can do. Overheating from the general kitchen stove caused a lot of issues: food over burnt, fry-pan changed shape, non-stick layer peered off, oil smoke every where, etc. Our Ropot permanently fixed these issues without sacrificing the flavor of the cooking. Also, customers do not need to manually stir the food to intake oil smoke when standing close to the stove. It saves time as well as saves health at the same time!

        Please also remember, the Ropot cooks food in a container, which has both upper and lower heating elements, to form a enclosed-ventilated space to cap the only a little bit oil smoke generated inside the inner pot. And the filter system on the upper lid will only allow steam goes out. Thus, there will be no oil smoke comes out from the Ropot during cooking. It is a truly smoke-free cooking.

        By comparing to GEMSide E151, that machine can not do stir-fry, saute, pan-fry etc. functions. It has lower temperature cooking since it boils (water boils at 100c) food with auto sauce reduction function. It is similar as pressure cooker to boil the food instead of stir-fry it. Thus, it does not requires high temp cooking. So, it won’t get the same cooking results as Ropot.

        Hope that can help. Please feel free to let us know if you have further questions.

        Thanks and Best Regards,

        Ropot Support
        SimLife Inc.

      • MaomaoMom says:

        Gemside E151 我用过,但不喜欢,比较慢。

  2. 心桥 says:


  3. SDSR says:


  4. Vivian says:

    毛毛妈,我也买了一个RoPot, 我发现炒青菜用Stir Fry程序后还有很多汁。请教您是怎么处理的? 多谢!

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