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instantpot 2 InstantPot/Recipe

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香菇干贝腊肠油饭 InstantPot/Recipe
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红糟腐乳蹄膀final InstantPot/Recipe
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%E9%85%92%E9%85%BFfinal InstantPot/Recipe
%E7%BA%A2%E7%B3%9F%E7%89%9B%E8%82%89fin InstantPot/Recipe
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酱烧牛肉F2 InstantPot/Recipe
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土豆烧蹄膀F1 InstantPot/Recipe
腊肠土豆饭F1 InstantPot/Recipe
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荷香粉蒸排骨fp2 InstantPot/Recipe
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pf button big InstantPot/Recipe

1,188 Responses to InstantPot/Recipe

  1. Lisa Sumiyoshi says:

    Aloha, do you by chance have a Instant Pot recipe for dim sum style chicken feet?

    Thank you so much, Lisa

  2. ddddd says:


  3. Joyce says:

    I love my Instant Pot. I am Asian but do not read Chinese. The Asian recipes that are in Chinese in the back of the cookbook have no translation and I was unable to find in English on the website. Do you have an English recipe for Beef Daikon etc? ( for the pressure cooker) Thank you!

    • MaomaoMom says:

      sorry, I don’t have that recipe.

      • Wilman says:

        beef brisket 1000g, daikon radish 750g, dried orange peel (chenpei) 10g
        ginger 100g, salt 6g, soy sauce 10g, oil in moderation

        1. Peel the daikon radish, wash and slice to about half an inch thick
        2. Wash the beef brisket and slice thin, blanch in boiled water
        3. Put daikon radish, beef brisket, ginger, dried orange peel, soy sauce, oil in this order into the pot. Add 2500ml water. Close the lid.
        3. Select “Meat/Stew” setting or set timer to about 35 minutes. Natural release (recipe didn’t say for how long).
        4. Add salt to taste.

      • Wilman says:

        This is the translation

        beef brisket 1000g, daikon radish 750g, dried orange peel (chenpei) 10g
        ginger 100g, salt 6g, soy sauce 10g, oil in moderation

        1. Peel the daikon radish, wash and slice to about half an inch thick
        2. Wash the beef brisket and slice thin, blanch in boiled water
        3. Put daikon radish, beef brisket, ginger, dried orange peel, soy sauce, oil in this order into the pot. Add 2500ml water. Close the lid.
        3. Select “Meat/Stew” setting or set timer to about 35 minutes. Natural release (recipe didn’t say for how long).
        4. Add salt to taste.

  4. Chen says:

    请问maomaomom在instant pot的网站上购买的时候在哪里输入coupon?
    一直到submit order都没看到,到了paypal页面显示是144.95 (7-1)

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