非常好的蛋白质来源, 这次用不粘锅炒, 少油少盐.
1: 冷藏大虾1盒454克;
2: 盐1/3茶匙,白胡椒粉1/8茶匙;
3: 大个鸡蛋4个只留1个蛋黄其他的不要,盐1/3茶匙, 新鲜姜末1.5茶匙,葡萄醋1大匙, 鸡粉1/6茶匙(可以不用);
4: 橄榄油2茶匙, 葱花1.5大匙.
注:1大匙Tablespoon =15毫升,1茶匙Teaspoon =5毫升,1杯Cup=240毫升。
1、将冰冻虾放半池子冷水里解冻(图1),去壳去肠, 抓洗干净沥水,放入一碗里),加所有2料(图2)拌匀,静置10分钟(图3).
3、不粘锅加1茶匙油,置炉上开大中火,放入葱花0.5大匙(图6). 放入虾仁(下图1), 炒1-2分钟(下图2).
4、虾仁变色, 再加1茶匙油及1大匙葱花, 然后倒入蛋液(下图3),待蛋液底部开始凝固后,用铲子轻轻翻炒均匀至蛋液刚刚凝固(图4),炒匀就可以盛出入盘子上桌了。
Each post is a journey, and The words are the map. Thanks for leading the way.
The Writing is a constant source of inspiration and knowledge for me. I can’t thank you enough.
Truly inspirational work, or so I tell myself as I avoid my own projects.
A constant source of inspiration and knowledge, like a muse but less mythical.