葱香肉饼Scallion meat Bing

Scallion meat Bing

You can use of AirGo “Crepe/Nann” function to make this delicious scallion meak Bing easily. To purchase, go to: AirGo cooker, with a coupon of maomao25 for $25 off.

葱香肉饼 葱香肉饼Scallion meat Bing
Prepare time: 25 minutes
Cook time: 16 minutes/two Bings
Standard time: 30-60 min.
Level: low
Serves: 8 servings


1) 2 cups unsifted all-purpose flour (320g), ½ salt, mix well;
2) 2/3 cup+2tsp boiling water (170g), 3 tbsp cold water (45 g);
3) 1 tbsp corn oil or avocado oil;
Meat filling:
4) 200 g extra lean ground pork;
5) 3 green onions, roots removed, rinsed and chopped, 1 tsp freshly mince ginger;
6) 1/3 tsp salt, 1 tbsp sesame oil, 1/4 tsp chicken broth mix, 1/4 tsp thirteen spice powder or white pepper powder, 1 tbsp corn starch,
7: 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tbsp premium soy sauce;
8) 4 tbsp water (60g);
9) 4 tbsp avocado oil or other cooking oil for frying Bing.

1: Dough: Pour boiling water into the Ingredient 1) flour in a bowl while stirring, then add cold water and stir to mix (Picture 1). Add 1 tbsp oil, knead for a minute to form a smooth dough (Picture 2). Cover with food wrap and set aside in a warm place for 30-60 min.
2: Meat filling: Combine all ingredients of Ingredient 4) to 7) in a bowl (Picture 3) and stir in one direction for 2 minutes with a pair of chop stickers, add 4 tbsp cold water and continue stir until the mixture is sticky, set aside.
3: Gently knead dough a few times then divide into 4 equal portions. Shape each into a ball and press down, roll out into a 30 cm circle. Place 1/4 meat filling evenly on top half of a wrapper (Picture 5). Fold up and pinch together to seal (Picture 6). Repeat to finish the rest of dough and filling.

 葱香肉饼Scallion meat Bing

4: Plugin the 【AirGo】cooker and turn on the power. Use “Function” to select the “Crepe/Nann” program, set 400F and 16 min., and then press start. When the preheating is done, add 2tbsp oil to the pot and place two Bings inside (Pictures 6). Close the lid.

5: Cooking about 9-10 minutes or when it is beeping to reminder flapping, open the lid, turn over the Bings (Pictures 7), close the lid and let it continue cook.
6: When the program is over, take out the Bing and repeat for the rest. Cut each into 4 pieces and serve warm.

葱香肉饼 葱香肉饼Scallion meat Bing

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