Winter melon and tofu Soup 冻豆腐冬瓜排骨汤

【Winter melon and tofu Soup 】
by MaomaoMom

Just got this new model of InstantPot 7-in-1 pressure cooker. It looks very nice and lighter than my previous model. I made a big pot of stock using this pressure cooker in just 35 minutes!

冻豆腐冬瓜排骨汤final Winter melon and tofu Soup 冻豆腐冬瓜排骨汤
Meal type: Pork
Prepare time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 35+10 minutes
Stand time: 24 hours
Level: Low
Serves: 6 servings

1) Pork bones 500g, 5 cups water;
2) 1 package tofu 700g;
3) Winter melon 740g;
4) 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp chopped green onion, 2-3 slices of fresh ginger;
5) 2 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp ground black pepper;
6) 2 cilantro rinsed and chopped.


1: Day ahead, place tofu in freezer overnight. Soak pork bones with boiling water for a couple of minutes, drain, wash and rinse with cold water. Place pork bones inside InstantPot (Picture 1) and add 5 cups cold water. Cover the lid and place the pressure valve to “Seal” position. Press “Manual” button and set 35 minutes of cooking time (Picture 2). When the program is done, wait another 5 minutes. Slowly release the pressure then open the lid. When the pork stock cools to room temperature, cover the inner pot with a lid and place in fridge.
2: Defrost frozen tofu in the morning. Peel off skin of winter melon, rinse and then slice (Picture 3). Cut defrost tofu into small pieces (Picture 4). Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a non-stick sauté pan, sauté chopped green onion and sliced ginger for a minute (Picture 5), add sliced winter melon and tofu (Picture 6), stir and cooke for a couple of minutes.

 Winter melon and tofu Soup 冻豆腐冬瓜排骨汤

3: Skim off fat of pork stock and pour the stock into the tofu and winter melon (Picture 7), bring to boil. Reduce to low heat, add all ingredients of Ingredient 5) and simmer for 15 minutes until winter melon is soft (Picture 8).
4: Divide winter melon and tofu soup into 6 serving bowls and scatter some chopped cilantro before serving.

冻豆腐冬瓜排骨汤final Winter melon and tofu Soup 冻豆腐冬瓜排骨汤

pf button big Winter melon and tofu Soup 冻豆腐冬瓜排骨汤

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This entry was posted in InstantPot pressure cooker, , 高压锅菜. Bookmark the permalink.

255 Responses to Winter melon and tofu Soup 冻豆腐冬瓜排骨汤

  1. SallyPingyin says:

    Hi, I found out about your site which I love for the instant pot.

    How do I access more Asian recipes but in English.

    Thank you very much

  2. Christine Padlan says:

    Hello – what kind of tofu should I use? The silky kind, medium or firm?

    I love this soup at the restaurant so would like to try to make with my new instantpot.

  3. hcdbljgvyl says:

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

  4. Ԍood response in return of this query ѡith solid arguments and explaining the whⲟle
    thing aboսt thаt.

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