炒皇子菇King oyster mushrooms quick stir fry

by 毛毛妈

【RoPot自动炒菜机】做皇子菇,真不错。想要这个自动炒菜机到 https://www.ropots.com 购买,用maomaomom88优惠券有$30的折扣。

炒皇子菇final 炒皇子菇King oyster mushrooms quick stir fry

2: 牛油果油1大匙,葱花1大匙,蒜蓉2茶匙;
3:盐1/3茶匙, 鸡粉1/6茶匙;
4:万字牌生抽酱油2茶匙,头抽酱油2茶匙,香油 1/2茶匙。
注:1大匙Tablespoon =15毫升,1茶匙Teaspoon =5毫升,1杯Cup=240毫升。


炒皇子菇1 炒皇子菇King oyster mushrooms quick stir fry


炒皇子菇final 炒皇子菇King oyster mushrooms quick stir fry

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