
The best and most frequent kitchenware in Maomaomom Kitchen.

instantpot 2 InstantPot/Recipe

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1,188 Responses to InstantPot/Recipe

  1. Jessica says:

    請問Instant pot 可唔可以用来做鮑魚花膠燉黑雞?

  2. Judy says:

    How can I use the Instant Pot to cook a whole chicken without drying the white meat? Can I use pressure cook or should I use slow cooking function? Thanks in advance!

    • Alice says:

      Definitely! I do this a lot– you need to do a smaller chicken so you don’t need to squeeze it in. Just put in the minimum amount of water you need for steaming, then add the steaming insert and put the chicken on it (some people say breast side down is best, but I haven’t noticed much difference). Cook time is around 23-27 minutes for the ones I get (not frozen chicken, frozen needs more time). NATURAL release is important, quick release for will often cause meat to be dry, including chicken.

      I like to just put salt on the outside and just put some ginger and scallion inside, it comes out like the super slow poached chicken my mom used to make for me. The juices/soup that collect at the bottom of the pot makes an amazing chicken essence soup too, but you will probably want to skim some of the fat first.

      Oh yea quick warning It will be very very tender so be very careful if you are trying to remove it without ripping the skin or pulling out a leg bone accidently XD.

  3. Anne Wong says:

    The instant pot that I purchase did not come with a chinese recipe book, do you know where I can get one?


  4. Nancy says:


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