
【烤排骨】–English follows
by 毛毛妈

这个方子是在有名的翠花排骨方子的基础上改进的。McCormick Paprika的辣椒粉,不辣但颜色正点,烤出的排骨肉松微甜。孩子们和我的同事们都喜欢吃,是开party时的好做又受欢迎的菜。

烤排骨21 【烤排骨】
2:红糖(brown sugar)3.5大匙,辣椒粉1大匙(Costco买的McCormick Paprika),盐1/2大匙,拌匀;

注:1大匙=15毫升=1 tbsp,1茶匙=5毫升=1 tsp,1杯=240毫升。

烤排骨11 【烤排骨】

烤排骨21 【烤排骨】

Roasted Baby Back Ribs

By Maomaomom

This delicious dish is loved by my family and friends. Great for parties as you can set and forget.

Prepare Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 120 minutes
Level: Easy
Serves: 6-8 servings


1) Baby back ribs 900g;
2) Marinade ingredients: 3.5 tbsp brown sugar, 1 tbsp Paprika (McCormick brand from Costco), 1/2 tbsp salt, mix well;
3) Liquid sauces: 3 tbsp Kikkoman soy sauce, 2 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp Chinese cooking wine, 2 tsp Chinese vinegar, 1.5 tbsp minced garlic, 1 cup water.


1: Remove membrane from the baby back ribs the back of the rack. Cut in half, rinse under water then pat dry. Place in a 8″x12″ glass baking dish, and coat both sides evenly with marinade ingredients. Cover with food wrap and store in the fridge for 48 hours.

2. Preheat oven to 375F. Remove food wrap and add all liquid sauces. Cover with aluminium foil and press firmly on all edges.
3: Bake at 375F for 1 hour and 40 minutes.
4: Flip the ribs over and bake for another 10 minutes. Add small amount of boiling water if necessary.

5: Cut between bones before serving.

pf button big 【烤排骨】

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91 Responses to 【烤排骨】

  1. 扑满豆豆 says:


  2. Yang says:

    昨天照着菜谱烤了排骨,非常非常好吃,肉质鲜嫩,味道层次丰富,谢谢毛毛妈,简单方便又好吃的菜谱,真是很好!另外因为家里材料不全,我改了下菜谱,用猪小排烤的,没有毛毛妈推荐的辣椒粉,我用家里的red peeper辣椒片烤的,不是粉状,是小碎片的红辣椒,吃点时候有一点辣味,提味很好,这样做起来也非常好吃,前几天还照毛毛妈菜谱做了蜜汁排骨,也很成功,特来感谢毛毛妈~

  3. mujia says:

    Thank you MaoMaoMom for sharing the recipe, easy to do it, looks beautiful and taste wonderful, I start to enjoy cooking now.

  4. 茜茜妈 says:



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