

instantpot 2 InstantPot菜谱


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香菇干贝腊肠油饭 InstantPot菜谱
肉丸蒸蛋final InstantPot菜谱
huasenfinal InstantPot菜谱
yansuiyafinal InstantPot菜谱
红糟腐乳蹄膀final InstantPot菜谱
%E9%85%B8%E5%A5%B6final2 InstantPot菜谱
%E9%85%92%E9%85%BFfinal InstantPot菜谱
%E7%BA%A2%E7%B3%9F%E7%89%9B%E8%82%89fin InstantPot菜谱
糖醋排骨final InstantPot菜谱
干豆角烧排骨final InstantPot菜谱
小芋头油饭final InstantPot菜谱
香肠木薯燕麦米饭final InstantPot菜谱
烧排骨F1 InstantPot菜谱
红烧排骨final InstantPot菜谱
腊肠土豆饭F1 InstantPot菜谱
酱烧牛肉F2 InstantPot菜谱
荷香粉蒸排骨fp2 InstantPot菜谱
姬松茸烧蹄膀F InstantPot菜谱
土豆烧蹄膀F1 InstantPot菜谱
小笋干烧肉3 InstantPot菜谱
红烧猪蹄pf2 InstantPot菜谱
香辣凉拌鸡2 258x258 InstantPot菜谱
粉蒸排骨21 258x258 InstantPot菜谱
碗仔米糕2 258x258 InstantPot菜谱
蒜蓉豆豉蒸鸡球3 258x258 InstantPot菜谱
pf button big InstantPot菜谱

1,188 Responses to InstantPot菜谱

  1. Anne Wong says:

    Do you have a recipe for making the sweet brown cake for Chinese New Year?


      • Anne Wong says:

        Normally I would use 1 lb glutinous rice flour and 1 lb brown sugar and steam for 3 hours.

        I wonder with this electric instant pot, should I be using the steam function or the cake function? If I use the steam function, can I reduce the time to one hour or even less?

        Would there be any chance that you can test this out and share with us your recipe soon. Since Chinese New Year is just around the corner, it would be nice to have this handy.

        Thank you.

      • MaomaoMom says:

        You can use steam function and try 1.5 hours.

      • Anne Wong says:

        I had a 6-1 IPSUX80 model and was referring to your Turnip Cake recipe, my pot does not have a 2-cup mark, instead it had PC 2/3 or 1/2, should I just pour 2 cups of water into the pot for steaming? Also, do I need to cover the glass container with tin foil or plastic wrap to avoid water steam falling on top of the cake that will make it mushy?

        Thank you

      • MaomaoMom says:

        I didn’t cover , but it was ok.

      • Anne Wong says:

        I had a 6-1 IPSUX80 model and was referring to your Turnip Cake recipe, my pot does not have a 2-cup mark, instead it had PC 2/3 or 1/2, should I just pour 2 cups of water into the pot for steaming?

      • MaomaoMom says:

        2 cups water is enough

  2. Carmen Kaouk says:

    In your chicken and potato rice recipe, you say to add chicken stock or water to the insant pot. How much do you add and is this the marinade or fresh chicken stock?

  3. Carmen Kaouk says:

    In your chicken and potato rice recipe, you say to add chicken stock or water to the instant pot. How much do you add and is this the marinade or fresh chicken stock?

  4. Linna says:

    請問用instant pot 可否用作燉盅用呢?


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